You’re in Good Company at NEBC!
From the Residence Director who will help you on Move-In Day, your residence assistants who can answer questions you have, to the friends and roommates you’ll study with at the library and Hebrews Cafe, to the encouraging professors who will walk beside you along your educational path, you will find a supportive, vital, and fun campus environment at Northeastern.
“Christ-centered community is a vital aspect of student life at Northeastern Baptist College. Every student is welcomed into a community, which has been self-identified as “The NEBC family.” NEBC invests into the mind, heart, and life of each individual student. Student life at NEBC involves spiritual enrichment, personal discipleship, worship nights, healthy competition, local church ministry, student led clubs, and more.

Student Services Office
Student Services Office supports the mission of Northeastern Baptist College by promoting the holistic care and development of students as they cultivate the The Mind of a Scholar, The Heart of a Shepherd, and The Perseverance of a Soldier. This office endeavors to impact, assist, transform, and guide each student’s physical, emotional, intellectual, social, and spiritual growth. Within an environment of Christian community, the Student Services office is available to help students integrate their faith into the world around them.
“The Student Services office exists to support students in their transition through college. Many times, that involves trials large and small. When college students face the challenges associated with becoming adults, Student Services is there with support, counseling, mentorship, and prayer.” -Tony Levesque, Dean of Students
Spiritual Growth
Under the care and direction of the Residence Director, students gather weekly to pray, study God’s Word together, and encourage each other.
Twice a week, the entire NEBC community comes together to worship on campus.

Shepherd Groups
Shepherd groups are mentor groups that meet once a week with a NEBC faculty or staff member for a time of encouragement, accountability, and devotion.

At Northeastern Baptist College, we are training
students to do ministry NOW!

Missions, both at home and abroad, are at the heart of NEBC

Weekly devotions are held on Monday nights for all single housing students.

At the mid-point each semester, students enjoy a weekend retreat in the mountains to be refreshed through a time of dedicated worship and fellowship with God.
The Registrar’s office is available to assist students with their educational pursuits through the college’s system of degrees, concentrations, and credit hours. Please contact the Registrar, Becky McDill, at 802.753.7233 ext. 322 forinformation regarding official transcript requests and high school or college transcript submission requirements.
Whether you live on or off campus, there are various ways to be involved with the social environment of NEBC! Northeastern Baptist College’s Student Government provides students the opportunity to gain valuable experience in organizing and leading within the student body. The NEBC Student Government Association (SGA) exists to improve the general quality of student life by advocating for student concerns, hosting events for the student body, and providing the means for students to operate clubs and organizations.
In addition to providing direction and support for students during the school year, the SGA hosts many social events throughout the year (New Student Picnic, Student Thanksgiving Dinner, campus-wide Christmas party, Spirit Week and several other events). The SGA holds open meetings, Town Hall events for students to attend, and is a member of the American Student Government Association.

Advocacy & Function
The SGA is guided by a Constitution that has been approved by the administration and the student body. Its meetings are open to the student body and the SGA is available to hear student concerns at all times. Those who participate in the SGA gain valuable leadership experience and the enjoyment of contributing directly to the NEBC experience.
Contact the SGA:

Student Events
The SGA hosts regular events throughout the school year. These include athletic activities like the fall dodgeball tournament and the spring staff vs. students basketball tournament, general fun such as Spirit Week, and formal events such as the Thanksgiving dinner.

Community Covenant
Northeastern Baptist College is comprised of diversely talented individuals who are committed to the mission of the institution which is to develop the mind of a scholar, heart of a shepherd, and perseverance of a soldier. We believe this goal is best lived out and practiced within a community of committed Christ followers. As men and women of Christian integrity, we believe that to grow as true Disciples of Christ we must:
- Pursue godliness and holiness in our personal lives,
- Esteem others higher than self,
- Exercise restraint when our Christian liberty may be a stumbling block to other weaker believers,
- Yield to Biblical instruction and correction,
- Exercise confession and forgiveness,
- Accept responsibility for actions and speech,
- And be teachable.
We recognize that God’s call upon our lives means a daily, intentional abiding with Christ and the active pursuit of being living sacrifices before God, serving and reaching our world around us with the gospel of Christ.
Student Rights and Responsibilities
Once a student signs the Student Standards of Conduct and the appropriate enrollment documents, the student is under contract with Northeastern Baptist College. Joining the Northeastern Baptist College student community entails certain rights as well as specific responsibilities with the goal of emulating Christ.
The NEBC student has rights including, but not limited to:
- The right to have access to and know the policies to which they are accountable.
- The right to air student grievances, equal opportunity, due process, and appeal as detailed under the Policies and Procedures and the Student Discipline sections of the Student Rights and Responsibilities, the Student Handbook, and the Academic Catalog.
- The right to confidentiality of student records in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as well as the right of the student to access these records as detailed under the Student Records section of the Academic Catalog.
NEBC student responsibilities include, but not limited to:
- The responsibility to act in a manner consistent with the Values of NEBC and the Christian faith, while also obeying all local, state, and federal laws.
- The responsibility to treat others and the property of others with respect.
- The responsibility to read and understand the Academic Catalog, the Student Handbook, and any other relevant official college document.

Student Standards of Conduct
- I understand and embrace the commitment of NEBC to be a distinctively Christian institution, and I commit myself to seek to know and obey Christ and His Word.
- I will prioritize my family over my studies; I will learn and follow the directions in God’s Word concerning my conduct in my family.
- I will maintain involvement in a local church, regularly worshiping and studying God’s Word with a body of believers.
- I will follow the policies of NEBC, and will treat the people and property of this community with respect and courtesy.
- I will tell the truth, and my academic work will be my own.
- Either on or off campus, I will not possess or use alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs, I will not misuse prescription drugs, and I will not use tobacco products.
- I will be financially responsible, doing my best to pay my bills and working to support myself as necessary.
- I will keep my mind and body pure, and free from any form of sexual sin, including pornography.
- I will do my best in my academic work to please the Lord, so that I may be “a workman who does not need to be ashamed” (2 Timothy 2:15).
- I will conduct myself as a witness of Jesus, treating people with grace and kindness.