This campaign provides a comprehensive vision for the future of the college and communicates that vision to our supportive constituents. This campaign is a 10-year, three-phase, $34,000,000 campaign. As the college’s leadership sought the Lord’s direction for the college’s second decade, they engaged students, faculty, staff, trustees, prayer partners, mission team leaders, and donors to give input for the development, scope, and vision for this capital campaign. 

Until JESUS Comes reflects the greatest priorities for ensuring NEBC’s continued impact in the Northeast, the United States, and the World until Jesus Comes! Here is the vision…

Phase One Ensuring the Foundation

Presidential Partners Scholarship Fund | Goal: $2,500,000
This fund will provide much-needed scholarship funding to assist students who have answered God’s call to ministry and mission.

Work Study Endowment | Goal: $500,000
This endowment will provide vital support for students that work to pay for their college education, thus discouraging debt and allowing them to serve the Lord wherever He may call.

Dr. Gray Allison Village | Goal: $1,500,000
Giving to this fund will provide much needed housing for students who are training to be laborers for the Northeast harvest fields.

Complete Heating System Replacement on the Main Campus | Goal: $500,000
This fund will enable us to complete the renovation of the outdated heating system in our main campus. This process began a few years ago. Approximately one-third of the system has been replaced so far. The balance of the system must be replaced between August 2023 and August 2024.

Presidential Partners Scholarship Fund
Goal: $2,500,000

To educate a student at NEBC costs $50,000 a year plus an additional $3,000 a year for housing. However, most students cannot afford this without going into significant debt. If a four-year bachelor’s degree student funds their education through student loans, they will graduate with up to $120,000 in debt.

Considering the high interest rate of student loans, the student will be indebted for many years after graduation. While this scenario is common these days, we believe it is not healthy. In addition, ministry students will be strongly hindered from entering the field the Lord has called them to, considering the low salaries of ministers.

This problem is compounded in the Northeast where most churches average less than 50 in attendance and cannot afford a full-time pastor. Therefore, NEBC has sought to enable our students to graduate debt free. This effort begins with the Presidential Partners Scholarship Fund.

By giving to this fund, donors can help us reduce the cost of tuition from $50,000 a year to $6,800, making it possible for more families to send their students to NEBC without incurring exorbitant student debt.

One of the most impactful ways to support NEBC is by providing scholarships to worthy students. Since its inception, the college has been committed to staying debt-free. We want students to receive a world class education without the encumbrance of student debt that hampers students once they graduate. Students that graduate with no debt can follow God’s call wherever He leads them without the financial burden of student debt. We have scholarships and programs available at NEBC which make getting an excellent education financially possible. Support of this important fund is crucial to our mission.

“Only a handful of institutions possess the time, placement, and leadership to profoundly change the course of a nation. NEBC, by the grace of God, is one of these organizations. Guided solely by the Word of God, trusting only in the power of God to accomplish our mission, and finally, sensing the need of the hour, NEBC is poised to be God’s agent of change and restoration in New England. Will you
join with us as we invest our lives and our fortunes for the glory of His Name?”

Lee Williams, Ph.D. Sr. Vice President and Dean of Academics
Professor of History
Northeastern Baptist College

Work Study Endowment Fund
Goal: $500,000

Would you like to graduate DEBT-FREE? Northeastern Baptist College is a leader in transforming the landscape and accessibility of Christian higher education. NEBC established the Work Study Program in 2013. In exchange for working 12 hours a week each semester, students in the Work Study program receive $6,800 credited toward tuition costs.

This covers the entire cost of tuition at NEBC (which has already been reduced by $20,200 by the generous donations of NEBC supporters).

” Without the weight of college debt hanging over me, I get to focus a lot more on schooling and the work that God has right before me.”

Tyler, Church Planting student

Northeastern Baptist College awards a limited number of Work Study opportunities to incoming students each academic year. Once approved, students can continue in the program for up to five years at NEBC if they maintain the requirements for participation. It is not free college; it is hard work. With God’s help and strategic planning, the sustainability of any institution is built upon an endowment of support. It is the intent of NEBC to grow the endowment to $1,000,000 to provide a strong, sustainable future. Phase One of the Campaign will provide the first $500,000.

” Since the inception of Northeastern Baptist College and under the leadership of President Ballard, a highly dedicated team of faculty and administrators have held fast to the infallibility of God’s word as revealed in the Holy Scriptures. It is by this foundation that students are being led and transformed into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and sent out into the harvest to fulfill the Great Commission. I can think of no better way to change our world than to partner with such a great institution that will produce eternal benefits to the glory of God.”

Ron Poitras
Chairman of the Board of Trustees (2021-2023)

The Dr. Gray Allison Village Fund
Goal: $1,500,000

” Historically, the Northeast has seen God work powerfully through times of awakening and revival, but today the vast majority of Northeasterners have lost sight of God’s truth and are in desperate need of the hope found only in Jesus Christ. With an unwavering commitment to the inerrancy and sufficiency of Scripture, and a faculty and staff who are resolute in their response to God’s call on their lives, Northeastern Baptist College is uniquely positioned to train men and women to be the ones through whom God can impact the region, the nation, and the world. For NEBC students,
the time to serve is now: from their first semester on campus, every student … regardless of their major … participates in a Ministry Practicum to gain practical experience and to share the Gospel throughout the community. And for all of us at NEBC, our tasks are clear: to grow in our personal relationship with Jesus, to gain expertise in the field to which we have been called, and to be about the Father’s work with urgency, for ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few’ (Matthew 9:37b).”

David C. King
Vice President of Administration
Northeastern Baptist College

Main Campus Heating System | Goal: $500,000

The heating system on our main campus is out of date. In 2013 extensive work was completed to connect all floors to the current boiler system. The age of the system has taken its toll and it has become clear that we need to replace the system. In 2020 we completed one-third of the conversion to a new system which extended the life of the old steam boiler and provided a little more efficiency. Over the next eighteen months we must complete the task of upgrading the balance of the system and completely remove the old steam boiler.

As Northeastern Baptist College looks forward to the future and the many changes that are before us, we do so with confidence that our mission has not changed. The mission of NEBC is more crucial today than ever before. The opportunities are challenging and unlimited. Our commitment is to train and encourage students for kingdom service. The next few years will be crucial to the future of Northeastern Baptist College. 

NEBC has been able to maintain a strong base during the current climate of uncertainty on the heels of a national and worldwide pandemic. Our campus remains vibrant and robust. Because of academic growth, new challenges with virtual learning and technology and the need to support students financially, we have a great need to secure a strong financial base.

A message from Dr. Mark H. Ballard Northeastern Baptist College’s founding president.

As Northeastern Baptist College looks forward to the future and the many changes that are before us, we do so with confidence that our mission as a Christian institution of higher education has not changed. The mission of NEBC is more crucial today than ever before. The opportunities are challenging and unlimited.

Our commitment is to train and encourage students for kingdom service. The next few years will be crucial to the future of Northeastern Baptist College. NEBC has been able to maintain a strong base during the current climate of uncertainty on the heels of a national and worldwide pandemic. Our campus
remains vibrant and robust. Because of academic growth, new challenges with virtual learning and technology and the need to support students financially, we have a need to secure a strong financial base. We have carefully and prayerfully determined that we must raise $5,000,000 in support during phase one of the campaign, which will be used in the following ways:

  • Reduce tuition costs through the Presidential Partners Scholarship Fund
  • Work study programs for needy and deserving students
  • Housing to meet the crucial needs of a growing college
  • Completing the needed update to the Main Campus Heating System

Thank you for taking the time to pray and consider how God would have you invest in Northeastern Baptist College’s future. Do you share our commitment to the Until Jesus Comes…Capital Campaign? We trust that you will partner with us in this strategic initiative. Now is the time for you to join with us in providing the necessary resources to fulfill our mission Until Jesus Comes.

In Him,

Dr. Mark Ballard
President, NEBC

Our mission is to impact the Northeast, the United States, and the world by training students to have the Mind of a Scholar, the Heart of a Shepherd, and the Perseverance of a Soldier through the provision of a college education with a biblical foundation and a distinctive blend of academic excellence and practical mentoring.