Northeastern Baptist College could not be what it is today without the hands and feet of
our faithful mission teams! God’s hand of provision is evident through the construction of our facilities. Not only have they been funded through the generosity of our brothers & sisters in the Lord, but they have often been renovated by volunteer mission groups. Each year, Northeastern Baptist College has been privileged to host mission teams from all over America.

These teams have performed demolition, construction, drywall, painting, finishing, grid work, and more. We are grateful to each person who has donated their time and talents.

Some of the mission teams have also hosted outreach events in the community by hosting sport camps, concerts, VBS, conferences, and more; thereby blessing the Bennington area as well.

Interested in serving at NEBC? Please fill out the form below and/or connect with us at 



We still have openings to Name a Room in our main campus by providing for the cost of a classroom, office, study, etc. Donors may name the room in their honor, or in the memory or honor of a loved one.