Several endowment opportunities are available for helping to establish the college.

Critical to the accreditation process and to the ability for the institution to continue growing, the following endowment options will ensure that NEBC is financially firm.

Opportunity: NEBC awards a limited number of work study scholarships to incoming students. Each student who receives a work study scholarship will work 12 hours per week on campus in addition to their studies and ministry practicum requirements. A work study endowment meets tuition needs without high interest debt.

There are multiple students who would be unable to attend NEBC without the opportunity provided by our work study program. The work study endowment would allow NEBC to provide qualifying students with an education that will help them to change the spiritual landscape of the Northeast. Upon graduation, these students will be able to immediately enter their field or ministry without the burden of student loan debt.

Cost: $2.5 million
The $2.5 million endowment will provide the corpus for the work study program. Our conservative investment strategy projects that it will:

  • Earn an average of 10%
  • Allow 3-4% for inflationary reinvestment
  • Permit 6-7% to fund the actual scholarships each year

Giving today? Please label your gift Work Study Fund.

Opportunity: The mission of Hogue Library is to undergird the mission of NEBC in the education of men and women of integrity. The library accomplishes this mission by providing access to quality information resources and instructional services. The Hogue Library building comprises about 6,000 square feet of space and is the largest Christian library in Vermont.

The Library endowment is a necessary element of the accreditation process to ensure the ability of the college to provide an ongoing place of expanding reference for all studies. The Library endowment will provide faculty and staff the tools needed for training students.

Cost: $1 million
The $1 million endowment will provide the corpus for the library’s day-to-day operational budget. Our conservative investment strategy projects that it will:

  • Earn an average of 10%
  • Allow 3-4% for inflationary reinvestment
  • Permit 6-7% to fund daily operations

Giving today? Please label your gift NEBC Hogue Library Fund.

Opportunity: Our prayer is that NEBC will be training students to have the Mind of a Scholar, the Heart of a Shepherd, and the Perseverance of a Soldier until Jesus returns. Endowment giving ensures the ability of NEBC to make an impact on the world far into the future. As we continue to pursue regional accreditation, it is clear that a large piece of the accreditation process includes having endowed funds in place for the overall day-to-day operations of the college.

Without a doubt, God has brought a team of dedicated people together who have joined what He is doing in the establishing of NEBC. While the foundational work of NEBC has been laid through the dedicated personal sacrifice of our staff and faculty, mission teams, and individual donors, to continue forward, an endowment is crucial.

Cost: $2.5 million
The $2.5 million endowment will provide the corpus for the day-to-day operational budget. Our conservative investment strategy projects that it will:

  • Earn an average of 10%
  • Allow 3-4% for inflationary reinvestment
  • Permit 6-7% to fund daily operations

Giving today? Please label your gift NEBC Endowment Fund. Learn more about our Forming the Framework campaign.

There are also several specific academic endowment possibilities that would allow expansion and continued quality in the following academic departments

Opportunity: The success of any educational institution relates directly to the quality of scholarship exhibited by the professors. When a Biblical Studies endowment is in place, the ability of the college is enhanced to support faculty in the classroom as they teach, research their areas of study, and publish their findings. A Biblical Studies endowment ensures the longevity necessary to the training of men and women for ministry.

Cost: $2.5 million
The $2.5 million endowment will provide the corpus for the Biblical Studies program. Our conservative investment strategy projects that it will:

  • Earn an average of 10%
  • Allow 3-4% for inflationary reinvestment
  • Permit 6-7% to fund the day-to-day program operations

Giving today? Please label your gift Biblical Studies Fund.

Opportunity: The success of any educational institution relates directly to the quality of scholarship exhibited by the professors. When a Church Planting/Entrepreneurial Leadership endowment is in place, the ability of the college is enhanced to support faculty in the classroom through practical study of the responsibilities of a Bi-vocational Church Planter/Entrepreneurial Leader. A Church Planting/Entrepreneurial Leadership endowment ensures the longevity necessary for training men and women for ministry.

The ability to plant a church in the Northeast almost always requires someone who is willing and able to work bi-vocationally. Having professors who understand the unique New England region is vital for training students to lead in Church Planting while giving them the bi-vocational skills of an Entrepreneurial Leader.

Cost: $1 million
The $1 million endowment will provide the corpus for the Church Planting/Entrepreneurial Leadership program. Our conservative investment strategy projects that it will:

  • Earn an average of 10%
  • Allow 3-4% for inflationary reinvestment
  • Permit 6-7% to fund daily program operations

Giving today? Please label your gift NEBC Church Planting /Entrepreneurial Leadership Fund.

Opportunity: The success of any educational institution relates directly to the quality of scholarship exhibited by the professors. When a Pastoral Ministry endowment is in place, the ability of the college is enhanced to support faculty in the classroom through practical study of the responsibilities of a Pastoral Leader. A Pastoral Ministry endowment ensures the longevity necessary for training students for ministry.

The ability to pastor a church in the Northeast almost always requires someone who is willing understand the unique New England region. Therefore it is vital to have experienced faculty who possess this understanding for training students to succeed as a pastor in New England.

Cost: $1 million
The $1 million endowment will provide the corpus for the Pastoral Ministry program. Our conservative investment strategy projects that it will:

  • Earn an average of 10%
  • Allow 3-4% for inflationary reinvestment
  • Permit 6-7% to fund daily program operations

Giving today? Please label your gift Pastoral Ministry Fund.

Opportunity: The success of any educational institution relates directly to the quality of scholarship exhibited by the professors. When a Business Administration endowment is in place, the ability of the college is enhanced to support faculty in the classroom through practical vocational training for the responsibilities of a business manager, entrepreneur, or executive pastor. A Business Administration endowment ensures the longevity necessary to the training of men and women in administration for business or ministry.

Cost: $2.5 million
The $2.5 million endowment will provide the corpus for the Business Administration program. Our conservative investment strategy projects that it will:

  • Earn an average of 10%
  • Allow 3-4% for inflationary reinvestment
  • Permit 6-7% to fund daily program operations

Giving today? Please label your gift Business Administration Fund.

Opportunity: The success of any educational institution relates directly to the quality of scholarship exhibited by the professors. When a Christian Counseling endowment is in place, the ability of the college is enhanced to support faculty in the classroom through practical vocational training for the responsibilities of a school counselor, independent Christian counselor, or Counseling Pastor. A Christian Counseling endowment ensures the longevity necessary to the training of men and women in the field of Christian Counseling ministry.

Cost: $2.5 million
The $2.5 million endowment will provide the corpus for the Christian Counseling program. Our conservative investment strategy projects that it will:

  • Earn an average of 10%
  • Allow 3-4% for inflationary reinvestment
  • Permit 6-7% to fund daily program operations

Giving today? Please label your gift Christian Counseling Fund.

Opportunity: The success of any educational institution relates directly to the quality of scholarship exhibited by the professors. When a Christian Education endowment is in place, the ability of the college is enhanced to support faculty in the classroom through practical vocational training for the responsibilities of a home, school, or church educator, or Education Pastor. A Christian Education endowment ensures the longevity necessary to the training of men and women in the field of Christian Education ministry.

Cost: $2.5 million
The $2.5 million endowment will provide the corpus for the Christian Counseling program. Our conservative investment strategy projects that it will:

  • Earn an average of 10%
  • Allow 3-4% for inflationary reinvestment
  • Permit 6-7% to fund daily program operations

Giving today? Please label your gift Christian Education Fund.

Our prayer is that NEBC will be training students to have the Mind of a Scholar, the Heart of a Shepherd, and the Perseverance of a Soldier until Jesus returns. Endowment giving ensures the ability for the college to impact the world far into the future. Endowed gifts are invested with Guidestone Financial Services of the Southern Baptist Convention. The earnings from the funds provide support to the area of the college for which the endowment is established.

ACADEMIC AREA:  $2,500,000

The success of any educational institution relates directly to the quality of scholarship exhibited by the professors. When you endow an academic area of study (ie., Church Planting studies) you enhance the ability of the college to support faculty in the classroom and as they research new areas of study and publish their findings. This enables them to have an even greater impact on our students as they seek to instill in them the Mind of a Scholar. Endowing an academic area provides the opportunity to leave a legacy gift. The endowment will be named in honor of the donor or someone the donor wishes to honor. Giving today? Please label your gift Academic Area.

ACADEMIC CHAIR:  $1,500,000

At Northeastern Baptist College, we seek to enable our students to have the greatest impact by engaging the mind, the heart, and the ability to persevere. Academic Chairs are awarded to professors who have demonstrated the exceptional ability to impact all three areas of their students’ lives. Endowed Chairs allow us to attract highly gifted teachers.

Through giving to establish an academic chair in one of our areas of study, you will make a lasting impact not only on our current and future students, but you will have a part in impacting the thousands of lives our students touch. Academic Chairs may be named for the donor or for someone the donor desires to honor. Giving today? Please label your gift Academic Chair.


The Distinguished Professorship Endowment allows NEBC to provide an appropriate level of support for a professor who has demonstrated excellence in training students both academically and practically. This level of support will allow us to maintain an excellent faculty at Northeastern.

By giving to establish a distinguished professorship in one of our areas of study, you will make a lasting impact not only on our current and future students, but you will have a part in impacting the thousands of lives our students touch. Distinguished Professorships may be named for the donor or for someone the donor desires to honor. They may also be converted to Academic Chairs at a later date if subsequent gifts bring the total to $1,500,000. Giving today? Please label your gift Distinguished Professorship.


Through establishing a Professorship you allow NEBC to call quality professors to engage our students both in and out of the classroom. This type of endowment gives us the ability to attract qualified professors to join us the Lord’s work at Northeastern Baptist College.

By giving to establish a professorship in one of our areas of study, you will make a lasting impact not only on our current and future students, but you will have a part in impacting the thousands of lives our students touch. Professorships may be named for the donor or for someone the donor desires to honor. They may also be converted to Distinguished Professorship at a later date if subsequent gifts bring the total to $1,000,000 or to an Academic Chair when additional contributions reach $1,500,000. Giving today? Please label your gift Professorship.


In our quest to provide the best possible academic experience for our students, NEBC desires to bring outstanding scholars who are recognized as experts in their particular field of study to teach for a semester or full academic year. A Visiting Professorship endowment, named in honor of the donor or person the donor desires to honor, will allow the college to supplement our fine faculty with visiting professors of recognition. Giving today? Please label your gift Visiting Professorship.


Annual Lectures are an important part of training our students at NEBC. Periodically, we invite an expert in a specific field to spend a week with us on campus. While here, they give special lectures relating to key topics of the day in the various fields of study at NEBC. Exposing our students to recognized scholars provides a great opportunity for our students to develop the Mind of a Scholar. Endowing a lecture series provides a lasting impact on the lives of our students, while at the same time, allowing the donor the opportunity for a legacy gift that will be named in honor of the donor.


Our desire at NEBC is to always keep tuition affordable. We pray we will never have to turn away a quality student because of financial reasons. You can help ensure future scholarship by establishing a scholarship fun, named for the donor or a person the donor desires to honor.