Why give to Northeastern?
Dear Friend,
Thank you so much for your interest in God’s work through Northeastern Baptist College. This section of our website is not simply about making a donation–it is your guide to making a difference through your giving.
Northeastern is here to make a difference. We exist to impact the United States and the world through training students with the Mind of a Scholar, the Heart of a Shepherd, and the Perseverance of a Soldier. The education our students receive is academically sound, biblically strong, and practically relevant, taught from our campus that is strategically located in the heart of the Northeast.
You can join us in making a difference that will impact the Northeast, the nation, and the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Your gift today will begin to impact the Northeastern United States immediately, while making a difference that will last for eternity. Private giving undergirds every aspect of the Lord’s work through NEBC. The basic operational budget is supported through both monthly and one-time gifts. In addition, we have numerous creative opportunities for capital gifts, planned estate giving, endowments, and more. We have seen that the Father is once again at work in the Northeast. It is our privilege to join Him.
We invite you to prayerfully consider how you too can participate. We invite you to prayerfully consider how you too can join God at work in the Northeast. Thank you for considering NEBC.
In Him,
Mark Ballard
Consider the following ways you could apply your gift to Northeastern Baptist College.

Three Strands

Capital Projects

The Library Fund

Honorary Gifts


Northeastern Baptist College Institutional Advancement
PO Box 4600
Bennington, VT 05201
For more information about giving, please call:
Kevin Payne
Why Give to Northeastern Baptist College
Because it is an exciting opportunity to join God where He is already at work! We are exceedingly grateful for our faithful supporters all across the nation.
Below, you can hear from more of our students, faculty, and staff as they explain “Why NEBC.”
Below are just a few of the stories of God working in and through the lives of our students, made possible by the generosity of our donors. We are immeasurably grateful for the faithful support from our friends and ministry partners from all over the country. Thank you for joining us in God’s work.