2024 Fall Semester Class Schedule

2024 Fall Courses

August 20th – December 13th, 2024

Applied Ministry

Ministry Practicum W 11:00 AM Various

Biblical Studies and Theology

Church History T/TH 8:00 AM McDill
Hermeneutics W/F 9:30 AM McDill
Old Testament I W/F 1:00 PM Ingalls
Old Testament III T/TH 1:00 PM Ingalls
New Testament I W/F 1:00 PM Dr. Robertson
New Testament III T/TH 1:00 PM Dr. Ballard
Radical Reformation TH 6:00 PM McDill
Systematic Theology I T 6:00 PM Ballard


Greek I W/F 8:00 AM Dr. Williams
Hebrew I W/F 8:00 AM Ingalls

Pastoral Ministry &
Church Planting

Pastoral Ministry W/F 9:30 AM Robertson
Intro Business Principles T/TH 9:30 AM Woodcock


Voice I T 2:30 PM Frisch
Leading Worship T 4:00 PM Frisch
Foundations of Music T 6:00 PM Frisch

Business Administration

Interpersonal Comm T/TH 8:00 AM Woodcock
Intro Business Principles T/TH 9:30 AM Woodcock Probability & Statistics T/TH 9:30 AM King
Principles of Management W/F 8:00 AM Woodcock Financial Management T/TH 1:00 PM King

Christian Counseling

Spiritual Formation T/TH 9:30 AM Levesque Essentials of C. Counseling T/TH 2:30 PM Sweet Theories of Personality W/F 9:30 AM Sweet Counseling the Adolescent W/F 1:00 PM Sweet Pre/Marital Counseling TH 6:00 PM Sweet

Christian Education

Spiritual Formation T/TH 9:30 AM Levesque
Intro to Christian Ed. T/TH 1:00 PM Francis

General Education

English Composition I W/F 8:00 AM Bentley
English Grammar T/TH 8:00 AM Bentley
Karate W 3:30 PM Ingalls
Church History T/TH 8:00 AM McDill
Intro Business Principles T/TH 9:30 AM Woodcock Interpersonal Comm T/TH 8:00 AM Woodcock Probability & Statistics T/TH 9:30 AM King
Biology & Lab W/TH 4:00 PM Sweet
Foundations of Music T 6:00 PM Frisch

2024 Research Week:
October 7-11, 2024

Missions (master’s course)

J-Term: January 6-10, 2025

Youth Ministry
Drugs & Alcohol Counseling
Leadership in Ministry (master’s course)
Pastoral Counseling

Ready to Get Started?

We are so glad God has directed you to Northeastern Baptist College! It’s a great place to prepare yourself to impact the world!