Pink Pencil on Open Bible Page and Pink

Biblical Studies

Our Biblical Studies students learn to interpret and handle Scripture through sound hermeneutical principles. This foundation provides a launching point for students to serve as pastors and other ministry leaders. All courses are taught from a Biblical worldview and with the purpose of providing practical experience.

Business Administration

Our Business Administration students learn to be intentional in creating an eternal benefit to God’s Kingdom. This intentionality is central to the design of NEBC’s rigorous business program. All courses are structured with a purposeful integration of business principles and biblical truth.

Crop psychologist supporting patient during counseling indoors

Christian Counseling

Our Christian Counseling students learn to apply sound biblical principles to life’s hurts and hardships. This principled application is pivotal to providing hope and healing to those seeking help. All courses are centered on the strength of Scripture, proven counseling practices, and practical application.

Christian Education

Our Christian Education students learn to lead and teach upcoming generations from the foundation of a Biblical worldview. This leadership is strengthened to meet the needs of a variety of age groups and educational settings. All courses are designed to enrich students’ awareness of the world around them and to provide perspective in its interpretation.

Ready to Get Started?

Northeastern Baptist College is a great place to prepare yourself to make a difference!