Silver Cross Pendant Necklace on Brown Holy Bible
Biblical Studies students will choose to specialize studies within three possible concentrations: Church Planting/Entrepreneurial Leadership, Interdisciplinary Studies, and Pastoral Ministry.

Biblical Studies students are required to complete 40 hours of General Education courses, 27 hours of Bible & Theology courses, 27 hours of Biblical Studies courses, 24 hours of Concentration courses, 7 hours of Ministry Practicum courses, and 3 hours of Internship; totaling 128 hours of course requirements.


Graduates of the Biblical Studies Programs will express a proficient knowledge of the Old and New Testaments of the Bible in their linguistic, literary, and historical contexts.


Graduates of the Biblical Studies Programs will demonstrate a proficient knowledge of systematic theology in its development in church history and general philosophy.


Graduates of the Biblical Studies Programs will demonstrate proficient skill in developing lessons or sermons which are biblically accurate and culturally relevant and communicating them both orally and in writing.

Biblical Studies – Interdisciplinary

If a student would prefer to take a variety of classes in the biblical disciplines rather than choose a single concentration, they may choose the option for a general Biblical Studies degree. Upon completion of this degree, the student will be thoroughly prepared not only to serve but to excel in Christian ministry. The successful student will have been trained in general education, theology, and the multiple disciplines of Christian ministry in the classroom while being mentored within a local church setting by an experienced pastor. Along with the standard General Education classes and Biblical & Theology classes, students must take 24 hours within the Church Planting/Entrepreneurial Leadership and Pastoral Ministry disciplines.

Interdisciplinary Objectives
• Graduates of the Biblical Studies Program concentration in Interdisciplinary Studies will assess and integrate a variety of ministry-related disciplines such as leadership, evangelism, church administration, education, or counseling, to benefit church or parachurch organizations.

Church Planting/Entrepreneurial Leadership

Upon completion of this degree, the student will be thoroughly prepared not only to serve but to excel as a church planter. The successful student will have been trained in general education, theology, church planting, and entrepreneurial leadership in the classroom while being mentored by an experienced church planter and entrepreneurial leader. The student will be equipped to plant a church while providing for his material needs through entrepreneurial activities that enhance rather than detract from his ministry.

Church Planting/Entrepreneurial Leadership Objectives
• Graduates of the Biblical Studies Program concentration in Church Planting/Entrepreneurial Leadership will demonstrate understanding of and skill in church planting including evangelism, leadership, church planting methods, business planning, and cultural relevance.

Church Planting/Entrepreneurial Leadership concentration course offerings:
  • Church Planting
  • Entrepreneurial Leadership
  • Pastoral Ministry
  • Homiletics I (Preparation)
  • Homiletics II (Delivery)
  • Church Planting Movements & Contextualized Methods
  • Business Plan Development & Implementation
  • The Church Leader and Baptist Denominational Life
Pastoral Ministry

Upon completion of this degree, the student will be thoroughly prepared not only to serve but to excel in the pastorate. The successful student will have been trained in general education, theology, and pastoral ministry in the classroom while being mentored within a local church setting by an experienced pastor.

Pastoral Ministry Objectives
• Graduates of the Biblical Studies Program concentration in Pastoral Ministry will demonstrate a proficient knowledge and skill in pastoral ministry including leadership, evangelism, proclamation, church administration, and pastoral counseling.

Pastoral Ministry concentration course offerings:
  • Pastoral Ministry
  • Church Evangelism
  • Homiletics I (Preparation)
  • Homiletics II (Delivery)
  • Discipleship Ministries
  • Church Administration
  • The Church Leader and the Baptist Denominational Life
  • The Pastor and His Community

Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies

More information and course descriptions specific to this degree can be found in our academic catalog

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