Our mission is to impact the Northeast, the United States, and the world by training students to have the Mind of a Scholar, the Heart of a Shepherd, and the Perseverance of a Soldier through the provision of a college education with a biblical foundation and a distinctive blend of academic excellence and practical mentoring.
Northeastern Baptist College exists to impact the United States and the world through providing an academically sound, biblically strong, and practically relevant college education from our campus strategically located in the Northeast.
We will be the premier Baptist college in the Northeast, training ministerial and non-ministerial students both academically and practically, while impacting the Northeast throughout the training process.
Our Core Values
We value the Bible as the only inerrant, infallible, plenary-inspired Word of God, and therefore submit to the Bible’s authority in all areas of life, including the educational process.
We value a vibrant, growing relationship with Jesus and desire to live surrendered to His Lordship.
We value the local church as God’s primary organization for carrying out the Great Commission and desire to support and encourage its work.
We value the importance of biblical excellence through the application of consistent hermeneutical principles and will maintain biblical excellence as our foundation.
We value the importance of academic excellence and maintain a high academic standard, exceeding general college expectations.
We value the importance of mentorship in education; practical mentoring is an integral part of our educational process.
We value the strategic nature of the Northeast to the United States and the world and seek to use this strategic uniqueness to impact the future for the cause of Christ.

Articles of Faith
Central to the educational process at NEBC is our commitment to the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 (BFM), which clarifies important doctrinal stances which we intend to uphold. Therefore, every student and every faculty member is expected to uphold their commitment to the BFM during their time at NEBC and to sign the “Statement of Faith” as a proclamation of their commitment. This signed document will be held in the individual’s file along with all other pertinent documentation