Eyeglass With Gold-colored Frames

Students choosing to purse a degree in Christian Education will complete 44 hours of General Education, 30 hours of Bible & Theology, 46 hours of Christian Education, 7 hours of Ministry Practicum, and 3 hours of Internship; totaling 130 hours. Upon completion of this degree the student will be thoroughly prepared to excel in Christian education.

Upon completion of this degree, the student will be thoroughly prepared to serve in the fields of elementary and middles grades Christian education, mission school education, homeschool, and Christian education ministry for all ages. The successful student will have been trained in general education, theology, and educational methodologies while being mentored within the local Christian school setting by an experienced educational leader.

Christian Education OBJECTIVES

Graduates of the Christian Education Program will develop and practice a philosophy of education that represents a proficient knowledge and understanding of education theories, best practices, education history, and biblical and theological integration applied from a Christian worldview.


Graduates of the Christian Education Program will demonstrate the ability to present new information in a manner appropriate for the learners of the subject matter while using multiple modalities.


Graduates of the Christian Education Program will demonstrate the necessary skills to review and remediate material using appropriate methods and technology for the subject matter and age/skill level of the learners.


Graduates of the Christian Education program will demonstrate the ability to manage the classroom, work cooperatively with other teachers, and formulate and present curriculum and programs for learners and other faculty, in both written and oral form.

Bachelor of Science in Christian Education

More information and course descriptions specific to this degree can be found in our academic catalog

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