A Resolution to Grow

The start of a new year is a great time to make resolutions to change and grow. It has come to symbolize a fresh-start, and the beginning of this new stretch of 365 days seems to give us a stronger resolve and motivation to achieve the changes and growth we desire. Resolutions typically have the same goal: self-improvement. It is common to hear about dieting plans, exercise programs, intellectual pursuits, etc. In church, it is common to hear Christians resolve to evangelize more, pray more, and read through the Bible. Continue reading >>


I recently heard a story about a farmer that was diagnosed with terminal cancer which prevented him from doing his job. In an effort to help his family, the farmer’s neighbors all banded together to harvest his fields in time for winter. Despite the massiveness of his fields, his neighbors were able to harvest and complete the work for winter all in 10 hours! Continue reading >>

Step by Step

Do you remember the “walk of faith” scene in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade? Jones is faced with an almost certain death when he reaches a deep cavern between him and his goal. He must walk step by step across a bridge that is invisible to him. Continue reading >>

Dual Citizenship & the Ballot

Every election cycle, certain concepts and buzzwords seem to resurface in the Christian community, such as “moral majority” and “values voter.”

It seems impossible to argue that a biblical “moral majority,” silent or otherwise, exists in the United States today. A moral revolution has swept through our culture like Hurricane Matthew swept through Haiti. Our cultural collapse in Christian ethics and morals is reflected vividly in the major party candidates. Continue reading >>