Northeastern Baptist College chapel services are a time for students, faculty, and staff to join together during the week to grow in their faith through biblical messages of hope and corporate worship.  Chapel services are open to the public and held on each Tuesday and Thursday from 11:00 am to 12:00 noon.  Chapel speakers come from NEBC faculty, local churches, and from other national ministry organizations.

Please join us in person for chapel or listen to one of our previous messages!

251 Club
Each Tuesday and Thursday, during chapel, the 251 Club highlights one of Vermont’s 251 town’s history, unique significance and, most importantly, if it has any gospel-preaching churches.  When possible, faculty, staff, and students travel on Fridays to the week’s specific town to share the gospel and engage individuals from the community in spiritual conversations. The 251 Club chapel segments remind us to pray for towns in Vermont and to never cease in spreading the good news of Christ wherever they go.

Student Led Worship

NEBC’s Chapel worship is performed and led by leads students from all of our degree programs. These students help bring their fellow students and faculty to the throne of God, reminding them twice a week why they have dedicated their lives to His work.